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According to "What's the Buzz?" authors Mark Le Messurier & Madahavi Nawana Parker:


"What's the Buzz?" is part of a global response stimulated by the positive psychology and positive education movements. The program precisely guides educators to teach young people new prosocial skills to develop emotional and social intelligence. How to;


  • optimistically interpret human differences

  • improve social connections; greetings, exiting, social feedback and social referencing

  • begin and maintain relationships and friendships

  • identify and work with one's own emotions

  • develop empathic 'mind-reading' capacities

  • identify and constructively respond to behavioural dominance; put-downs, trash talk, bullying and cyberbullying and trolling

  • self-regulate emotions more productively

  • appreciate self-awareness and self-identity

  • navigate tricky social situations more positively and resiliently


And while absorbed in this skill-building, we give children the chance to grow steadier emotions and better behaviours.


Teaching social and emotional literacy, continuously, is a highly effective way to benefit our relationship with, and between, students. All human beings, no matter their age or circumstance, profit from being methodically taught social and emotional literacy skills and being in an environment where these are nurtured.


We now know that when young people are unable to attach to peers or feel isolated, they are more likely to be at risk from behavioural turbulence, mental health difficulties and have a greater tendency for future anti-social behaviour."





“What’s the Buzz?” for Early Learners is a role-play and play-based program that is designed to teach children how to think socially and grow healthy friendships. The programme also encourages children to consider the emotional motivations for their behaviours and work to control their impulses.


“What’s the Buzz?” for Primary Students is a role-play and play-based program that is designed to teach children how to think socially and grow healthy friendships. The programme also encourages children to consider the emotional motivations for their behaviours and work to control their impulses.

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“What’s the Buzz?” for Teenagers aims to foster respectful problem-solving skills and the development of resilient and resourceful attitudes in young adolescents. The program stimulates a conversations about what really matters as young people experience the important and difficult transition into their early-to-mid teen years.


Morphett Vale "What's the Buzz?" Classes


from Mark & Madahavi (authors)

Please note: All content copied from the official What's the Buzz? website has been posted in accordance with the "What's the Buzz?" copyright policy.

Serenity Social & Support Services is a current registered member of "What's the Buzz?".

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